Ouray School District R-1 Home

Evening view of Mount Abrams at the head of the valley above Ouray.
Student descend from Sutton Mine Trail for Peak Experience.
High school students read to elementary students in our Ready Buddy program.

Developing Minds to Match our Mountains

We are a unique PK-12 school located in beautiful Ouray, Colorado. We attract high quality staff and specialize in educating the whole learner. Come see what we have to offer!
Ouray students on the year\'s first Spirit Day.

Portrait of a Learner

The school developed key characteristics in all students to be prepared for a successful life outside of the public education system. We call these our Portrait of a Learner, which reflects the work of staff and their commitment to educate students from preschool through high school.
Abram under the sunshine in winter.

Strategic Plan

Ouray School has strong community support and strives to be a school of excellence for all learners. The district's five-year Strategic Plan focuses on attracting and retaining high quality staff, developing the whole learner, providing diverse educational offerrings and experiences, developing strong family-school-community partnerships, and capital planning for staff housing and learning spaces for the future.
Ouray students travel and study language and culture in Mexico.

Peak Experiences

Ouray School is committed to taking our students to the world and bringing the world to our students. We now offer our Peak Experiences program to students of all grade levels. We want students to seek diverse perspectives and engage in service to community and the world.



Time: 1:30 PM – 3 PM

News & Announcements

Ouray Parks and Rec Flyer

Learn to Ski at Lee's Ski Hill!

Free ski lessons for kids 4-12 at Lee's Ski Hill on February 18th, 12-2pm. Free rentals can be provided. Register with the QR code.
Ouray Parks and Rec flyer

Cross Country Ski & Snow Shoe Day

Join Voyager and Ouray Parks and Recreation as they team up to host a cross country ski & snow shoe day for local teens! Gear is provided. Limited space, sign up with the QR code.
Ouray School staff for 2024-25

Our Incredible Staff

The success of Ouray School and its students is a direct reflection of our incredible staff. Staff originate from Ouray, the western slope, broader Colorado, around the country, and several from across the world. With an 8:1 student to teacher ratio, we offer personalized learning with high expectations. We are also proud to offer K-12 Spanish language instruction and a full range of instrumental and vocal music offerings.