About Us » Informational Technology

Informational Technology

Instructional Software

Supported software

Adobe Creative Cloud

Audience - Middle, High, Teachers
Description - Graphic design software
Instructional Use - Communication, Creativity
How to Access - Submit a tech support ticket
License Info - Distributed on need

Google Apps

Audience - District wide for teachers and staff
Description - A cloud based suite of Google productivity products, including Gmail, Calendar, Drive, Docs, and Sites
Instruction Use - Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, Creativity
How to Access - Web access
License Info - All OSD student and staff

Click-Through Software (Free)

Many teachers use software that is free and available through online educational resources. We ask that teachers submit the name of the tool (with additional information ) to this form. Here is the complete list of the "click through" software.

If you've attended a conference or seen a presentation in professional development, you've probably had someone share with you a title of online software that is "click through". This means that your students possibly have to create a log-in or "log-in with Google" to access the resources. Currently, teachers evaluate the data security and privacy of such tools before having students use them in class.