About Us » Asbestos Notice

Asbestos Notice

Notice to Parents, Students, Teachers, and Building Occupants:

In 1986, Congress passed the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act(AHERA) requiring schools to inspect and identify any asbestos containing building materials(ACBM). Ouray School District R-1 hired a certified building inspector to identify and sample any suspect asbestos containing materials.

The law further requires the school to have an asbestos management plan. Ouray School District R-1 has an asbestos management plan available for review in the school district administrative office during regular business hours. Henry Case or Tod Lokey are our designated asbestos program coordinators, and all inquiries regarding the asbestos management plan and asbestos-related issues should be directed to Tod Lokey or Henry Case at (970)325-4505 or by email: [email protected]
Updates for 2023:
November 7, 2023 - The school maintenance staff, Tom Tyler, Henry Case, Joe Condotti, and Sergio Trubceac conducted its periodic surveillance of the asbestos containing materials. None of the visible materials were reported as significantly damaged.
Updates for 2022:
April 29, 2022 - An asbestos re-inspection was conducted by Grand River Environmental, LLC. Their findings were reported on May 18, 2022 and have been added to the asbestos management plan.
March 31, 2022 - The school maintenance staff conducted periodic surveillance of the asbestos containing materials. None of the visible materials were reported as significantly damaged.
March 11, 2022 - Asbestos Awareness training was provided for maintenance and custodial staff.

Updates for 2015:

February 8, 2015 - An asbestos inspection was conducted by Grand River Environmental, LLC. Their findings were reported on March 10, 2015 and have been added to the asbestos management plan.

June 10, 2015 - The school maintenance staff conducted its periodic surveillance of the asbestos containing materials. None of the visible materials were reported as significantly damaged. This periodic surveillance will be repeated on 6-month intervals.